Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Introverted Educator

I come to my laptop today with a question to fling out into cyberspace:  Can introverted personalities be effective teachers?

This question comes from a very personal place.  As a child, I had to be strenuously coached to speak to people I did not know.  I had, and continue to have, many acquaintances but few friends.  Over time, I have overcome my natural shyness around strangers (family members probably wish I'd shut up) to the point that I can go to social events and behave like a grown-up.   However, the fact remains that interacting with people drains me of energy, and without time alone every day, I become moody and distracted.
So why, of all the professions in the world, did I choose one that compels me to interact with around 130-150 adolescents every day, not to mention teachers, administrators, and parents?
Because I love literature and writing, because kids are fun, because I believe in what I do.  All of those answers hold up pretty well, but they still don't give me any assurances that a person with my, *ahem*, gifts or lack thereof is really suited to the daily conflicts and adventures of the teaching profession.  I'm not sure I have any answers today; some days I feel closer to having my very own inspirational-teacher-movie than others.

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